Yesterday I managed to work out twice in one day. This is definitely a first for me. In the morning I ran my easy 4 miler. It didn't go as easy as it should have. I was going to run it on the treadmill at the gym again, but I was determined to run outside on the Terrace. Like I have said before, running the Terrace is more difficult because of all the inclines. However, it puts me in much better running shape than just running on smooth flat course. It was 85 degrees outside and pretty humid. Luckily the sun wasn't beating down on me, or it would've been much harder. My heart rate is still pretty high for an easy run at this pace, but I think the inclines have a lot to do with that. I'm hoping it will come down to the low 150's with more training. My pace was pretty slow, but it's what I'm supposed to be training at. I try to aim for an 11:30 min/mile on the easy runs, but the heat just slowed me down.
Here are my running stats from the 4 miler:
Distance: 4.01 miles
Time: 47:11
Pace: 11:47 min/mile
Calories burned: 485
Average HR: 163 bpm
In the evening I went to Zumba. My good friend/Zumba instructor, Becca, finally came back from her honeymoon, so I was so excited to go to her class because she is the best. I got a good hour long workout there, then a group of us went to Taste of Asia for some dinner. I ate sushi, yum!
I just want to say how different I feel about working out and how working out makes me feel. I used to dread working out. I wanted so badly to just go home and sit in my comfy chair, watch tv, and take a nap. Now, I want to work out as much as I can. I really enjoy my running and training for races. I'm also really lucky to have found Zumba and that Wii Active game. It's so important to find things that you like to do and that keep you interested, and I really feel like Zumba does that for me. It's not like working out at all, and I get to hang out with my girlfriends at the same time. I just feel better all around. I have more energy and I'm in a better mood. I look forward each day to do something physically active. Plus, on true rest days, taking a nap is like a reward for all the hard work I put in all week and I don't feel guilty about it. I just feel so much better about myself!
Next run: Thursday, easy 2 miler
Next Zumba class: Thursday
Next race: Saturday, 5k
Total miles for the week: 8
Running With Cancer: One Dude's Journey with Lung Cancer
11 months ago
welcome to multi workout days! I love them :) I have gotten into it so bad that I sometimes swim in the a.m., run/gym at lunch and run after work!
ReplyDeleteI love hearing about how motivated you are! I am doing fairly well, but I need to get my eating on track! I have too much time on my hands after summer school, and I snack too much! Jif peanut butter with honey is my kryptonite right now.