I did my first ever speed workout on a track on Friday. In the past, I have had to do all my speed workouts on the treadmill because it's the only way I could keep my pace where it needed to be. Thanks to my Forerunner, I am able to take my speed workouts outdoors. I discovered that it is much harder to do this kind of workout on the pavement than on a treadmill. I'm also discovered that it's difficult to keep a certain pace. I find myself varying my pace widely, so I have to constantly look down at my watch to make sure I'm in my target pace. I did a 1 mile warmup, then I did 2 repeats of 1 mile @ 9:15 with 1/2 mile recoveries, followed by a 1 mile cooldown jog. I ran the whole time, and felt like I had enough energy at the end to keep going at a slow pace. Don't know if I could've done another mile at the faster pace. It was just nice to get outside. I do haven one complaint. There were several people on the track walking or jogging. There were some kids kind of making fun of me for running so much. I was thinking to myself what a bunch of dummies. I'm out there running my ass off. Come see if you can keep up with me kiddies! I bet you $500 you couldn't run 2 miles with me, much less 5! Go home and play video games.
I didn't succeed in getting any extra workouts in last week. I really tried to get to a Zumba class, but was confused about the schedule and showed up at the wrong time. So, this week I am definitely going to Zumba on Tuesday and Wednesday. That is my goal for the week, if I survive my 7 mile long run on Sunday! I have to work Sunday, so it may get pushed to Monday. I did succeed in sticking to my diet this week. Getting through a whole week on the diet is a big feat for me, but I did it! Goal #2 for the week - continue to stick to the diet.
Next run: Sunday (or Monday) - 7 mile long run....ouch
Last weeks total miles: 13
Running With Cancer: One Dude's Journey with Lung Cancer
11 months ago